A firearm isn't the only self-defense option.
Americans are frightened for their safety. There have been a historic number of firearms and ammunition sales in the past year.
However, many people can not bring themself to use deadly force to respond to a threat. This may be because of religious reasons or the fear of the results. Many admit they don’t know if they could shoot someone or take a human life.
We should applaud those people for knowing their limitations.
The good news is that they don’t need to be defenseless. There are other self-defense weapons as viable options.
To meet these people self-defense needs weapons should successfully do two things:
- keep the defender out of reach of the aggressor(s)
- be deploy-able against multiple threats.
Here are some examples of less-lethal self-defense weapons that meet those criteria.
Why PeeperBall
PepperBall’s motto is “Protect Life Without Taking a Life.”
Designed to be used sooner and safer than other force options, PepperBall® is the most versatile and powerful non-lethal technology on the market. It’s trusted by the U.S. Army and Marines overseas and police officers walking the streets of the Midwest.
As the only non-lethal solution with no judgments, deaths, or severe injuries in over 20 years of use, PepperBall is a system that meets your agency’s and the community’s needs.
The PepperBall system is proven effective from distances up to 150 feet, giving you more range and time to make a critical decision. The combination of powerful, accurate launchers and versatile, effective projectiles allows you to accomplish your mission safely, even without a clear line of sight. Situations that require action are never as easy as point-and-shoot. PepperBall was designed to work in those challenging situations where other tools can’t get the job done.
The Tactical Compact Pistol, is a low profile and lightweight PepperBall launcher. It offers the ability to carry a multi-shot, less lethal product on a belt. Use the TCP™ with regular-round and long-range VXR™ projectiles for safe distance.
It is the size of a large pistol and weighs 1.7 pounds. It comes with two six-round magazines. Additional original round or long-range VXR projectiles must be purchased separately. The refill packs contain practice and live projectiles. Practicing with inert rounds is a must.

The PepperBall TCP is simple to operate. There are no moving parts other than the trigger, magazine release and index-finger-activated crossbolt safety.
The easiest way to load the magazine is by pulling the follower spring down and locking it in place. Next, drop in six round PepperBalls and gently release the follower.
Load a CO2 cartridge in the space at the rear of the magazine and turn the key-shaped screw handle until it holds the cartridge in place. (If you are not going to use the TCP right away — within 24 hours — don’t tighten it to the point the cartridge is punctured.) You can then insert the magazine, which automatically positions the PepperBall in the chamber.
A Few Tips
A polymer open-top holster is available for belt carry or safer storage. If you travel or live in low-risk areas, you can keeping the TCP with the magazine loaded and the CO2 cartridge not activated (punctured). All it takes is a couple of quick clockwise twists to puncture the cylinder. Once the CO2 cartridge has been punctured, take the safety off and pull the trigger to fire.
The TCP delivers a solid impact effect combined with a cloud of powerful PAVA pepper. In self-defense scenarios, target the mid-point of the body to deliver a gut punch combined with a cloud of pepper.
The TCP would have made a great supplement to the Taser when working as an officer and is currently my top non-firearm self-defense weapon pick. MSRP is $399.99.
I have a fellow instructor that has been a Taser instructor since 2013. He has had a lot of experience deploying the Taser on volunteer subjects. It is an effective defensive tool. Like PepperBall, Taser has really upgraded its line of civilian self-defense weapons.
Many of the Tasers used by law enforcement are also available for citizen purchase, including the latest two-shot models. And the civilian micro-compact single-shot Taser Pulse ($399.99) is also still available.
TASER Pulse is an effective, less-lethal defense tool that can immobilize attackers for up to 30 seconds. Packing the same knock-down punch trusted by law enforcement, it was built with civilian self-protection in mind. Weighing in at just 8 ounces, this high-tech, intuitively designed device is revolutionizing the self-defense market.
The newest Taser for civilian use is the two-shot Taser 7CQ. The 7CQ (close quarters) uses a totally new probe system. The new system drives probes that deliver nearly twice the kinetic energy for better penetration of clothing. This is intended to eliminate the issue of “clothing disconnect,” which causes a failure to incapacitate.
The Taser CQ’s cartridge has a range of 12 feet, with an optimal probe spread for best energy delivery. Both the Taser X2 and 7CQ are significantly larger than the single-shot X26P. The Taser 7CQ is the most expensive Taser model at $1,799.99.
Additional live cartridges must be purchased for practice for the X2 and 7CQ. Training resources are available on the Taser site, and the company offers interest-free financing.

Full-Sized and EDC Fogger Pepper Sprays
Pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum spray, OC spray, capsaicin spray, or capsicum spray is a inflammatory agent (a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and temporary blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and self-defense.
OC sprays represent the best bargain in terms of less-lethal self-defense weapons.
Many include a pocket-sized canister as part of there everyday carry gear. This carried enough spray to deal with two to four aggressors.
With the upheaval from the past summer, they now keep crowd control OC systems in their cars. These can be very effective when dealing with large groups, with the ability to keep people up to 20 feet away.
One of the favorite companies for OC products is Fox Labs. This major law enforcement supplier also sells products to civilians. For home or vehicle defense against multiple opponents, I recommend the Fox Labs Fog Spray Tactical Unit. It is 12 ounces of 2 percent OC.

All the units in the ONE POINT FOUR® line start with our famous legacy formula using 5.3 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU) OC pepper – then we DOUBLE the pepper content which doubles the MC (Major Capsaicinoids) to almost blistering levels.
This is one of the only true police strength pepper sprays on the market, and the original legacy formula that is carried by police, correctional officers and the United States military. Now the ONE POINT FOUR has increased the heat, and this is becoming the most demanded product from Law Enforcement agencies nationwide.
It’s an oil based pepper spray (most pepper sprays are water) giving the spray greater distance and stronger effects on impact. The ONE POINT FOUR PEPPER SPRAY also includes invisible UV marking dye for suspect identification.
Specs for One Point Four®, 4% OC, 2oz., Stream Spray Pattern:
The ONE POINT FOUR® formula is an oil based pepper spray product.

All ONE POINT FOUR® pepper sprays start with our famous legacy formula using 5.3 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU) OC pepper – then we DOUBLE the pepper content which doubles the MC (Major Capsaicinoids) to almost blistering levels.
This is one of the only true police strength pepper sprays on the market, and the original legacy formula that is carried by police, correctional officers and the United States military. Now the ONE POINT FOUR has increased the heat, and this is becoming the most demanded product from Law Enforcement agencies nationwide.
It’s an oil based pepper spray (most pepper sprays are water) giving the spray greater distance and stronger effects on impact. The ONE POINT FOUR PEPPER SPRAY also includes invisible UV marking dye for suspect identification.
PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME STATES WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO ORDER A LARGE SIZE PEPPER SPRAY based on state laws. AR, CA, HI, MI, NJ, NC, WI – you can’t order this one! Look for 2 ounce sizes or smaller (AR and NC can order up to our 4 ounce cans).
Specs for One Point Four®, 4% OC, 16oz., Pistol Grip, Cone Fog Spray Pattern:
Less lethal self-defense weapons are not only crucial for those unwilling to use a firearm for self-defense. They should also be a must for those who own firearms. Not every situation can — or should — be solved by a firearm. Pick a self-defense weapon that best suits your needs. Check local laws to ensure such devices are legal in the jurisdictions in which you live or to which you are traveling.
I want to credit Scott W. Wagner with USCCA for the impersonation in writing this post.