Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis creating his own well-regulated militia.

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis has driven the left to pull their hair out. 

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, a Democrat running to replace DeSantis, tweeted.

“Can’t believe I have to say this, but Florida doesn’t need a paramilitary force that only answers to @RonDeSantisFL. Millions of Floridians know what it’s like to live under regimes like this — and came to our state to escape them. This must be stopped,” Fried tweeted.

In my humble opinion, the Florida State Guard is exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment.

The only problem I foresee is the unit’s 200-member limit. I predict DeSantis will receive 1,000-times that many applications and letters of interest.

In addition, I don’t think the governor has gone far enough. 

From the article:

‘The establishment of the Florida State Guard will further support those emergency response efforts in the event of a hurricane, natural disasters, and other state emergencies.’

My read of the 2nd Amendment is that a militia is armed to provide for the common defense of the community; not just fill sandbags.
More than 20 states already have similar state paramilitary forces, many of which were formed as state militias during the 18th Century.
With a firm command and control structure, a well-armed militia could be a great asset to the state.
My 2-cents.

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