Trigger Finger Positioning, Hand Clenches, and Accidental Discharges

The Background

I was recently read a post related to an experienced handgun instructor where he related the events of an accidental shooting. This instructor shot himself while reholstering after doing a demonstration during a basic concealed handgun class.

I know what you are thinking….
“He shouldn’t have had his finger on the trigger when he was putting the gun in the holster.”
“I bet he was using a Blackhawk Serpa holster.”

Nope. Neither was true.

He is an experienced instructor and competitive shooter, receiving professional training from the best in the business. He has good weapon handling skills. Those that have seen him draw and shoot and know that he doesn’t casually keep his finger on the trigger while holstering. It was a somewhat baffling dilemma. What caused this unintentional discharge.